Tenancy agreement



This document sets out the terms and conditions under which we are renting the allotment site, your obligations as a member of the association, and the support you can expect from the association. When you pay your rent and membership fee, you confirm your acceptance of these terms and conditions.


The terms and conditions are based on our rental licence with the landlord, the agreement with the parish council and our own constitution. For reference, the constitution and key policies are linked from this document and are also published on the group website. www.rowlots.org.uk rental licence and agreement can be obtained from the secretary.


Ownership of the land was acquired by East Donyland Parish Council in 2023. EDPC are now the Landowners.

The Parish Council is the license holder, and Rowhedge Allotment Association acts as an ‘arm’s length’ management organisation.


Terms and conditions for individual plot holders

Membership fees

There is an annual membership fee paid to Rowhedge Allotment Association to be eligible to hold a plot. Please note that the membership fee is per person, not per plot. The membership year runs from 1 February 2024 to 31 Jan 2025.

Plot rental fees

As well as membership there is an annual plot rental fee.

Plot holders must pay their membership and rent for their plot by 28th February each year.  A discount is given between 1st and 31st January. 

Joint tenancy

Plot holders may not pass their allotment tenancy onto another person, underlet, assign or part with the possession of their Allotment except under the terms of the Joint Tenancy Policy. This shall not prohibit another person, authorised by the plot holder, from cultivation of the plot for short periods of time when the tenant is incapacitated by illness or is on holiday. 


Wooden sheds, greenhouses, poly-tunnels and fruit cages can be erected. These must be removed at the end of the tenancy. Please note guidelines with regard to greenhouses. Under our tenancy agreement, it is not permitted to build any permanent structures on the site or lay any foundations. No ponds, reservoirs or ‘below ground structures’ can be constructed.


Only organic products that do not affect wildlife may be used on the plot. 


Pests and vermin should not be ‘harboured’. Control of pests, vermin and predators is to be undertaken by legal and humane means.


Bonfires must be supervised in accordance with the guidelines.


Vehicles can only be parked in the parking area when the driver is attending the site. Vehicles or trailers are not to be left on the site overnight. Overnight camping/sleeping on the site is not permitted.

Cultivation standards

Plots must be maintained according to our cultivation standards. No trees, including fruit and nut trees can be planted on the property. However, fruit bushes and cordon fruit trees on dwarf root stock may be grown, but must be removed at the end of the tenancy.


No animals may be kept on the property except bees (by those who have obtained training and public liability insurance) and chickens properly housed and cared for (See policy).

Dogs must be kept on a lead.

Pumps and hosepipes                          

It is not permitted to use hosepipes on the site.

Pumps may used on application -see Apply to use a pump


No dangerous substances shall be stored at the allotment site and, when on site and in use, will be your sole responsibility.

Children are welcome on the allotment site, however, must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Ensure that tools and other equipment are not left unattended on shared pathways or other communal areas and are not left in a way that might cause accident or injury. Rowhedge Allotment Association will not accept any responsibility for any injury caused by such items however caused.



Pathways between plots should be maintained up to the nearest half width by each adjoining tenant (paths should be 1 metre wide). The pathway between plots 16/17 and 18/19 is a common access pathway across the width of the site. Other pathways are for the use of holders of adjacent plots.

Common areas maintained by the committee must be kept clear for strimming and fence maintenance. Items left on these areas may be moved during site inspections or when strimming/maintenance is taking place. Tenants must keep the areas adjoining their plots clear for mowing, strimming and access.


Please inform the committee if you intend to vacate your plot so that it can be reallocated as soon as possible.  Plot and membership fees are non-refundable.


Further Rules, Policies and Guidelines will be issued by the committee when issues arise, these can be found on the Tenant information page, Policies and guides section.


Responsibilities of the Rowhedge Allotment Association

The RAA is responsible for the complete running of the allotments, including;

  • the maintenance of a waiting list in date order
  • offering support to plot holders who are struggling to maintain their plot
  • giving notice to allotment holders for non-cultivation or non-payment of rent and fees.
  • undertaking and publication of risk assessments for the site.
  • collection of monies due to the association for payment of rent and fees.
  • actively promoting allotments and their use, and liaising with the Parish Council, the landlords and other agencies to this effect.
  • considering the implementation of any communal distribution schemes where practical (shared tools, seed schemes etc).
  • endeavouring to provide advice and support for new or inexperienced gardeners.


On paying my rent and membership fee, I am accepting these terms and conditions and agreeing to comply with them.